Cultivating resilience and preventing burnout in healthcare and the non-profit sector.

Thriving teams perform at their optimum and their giving is sustainable.

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Are your staff struggling with anxiety or exhaustion?

If so, it’s not surprising, as demand for your services may have increased exponentially, while budget cuts, staff shortages or lack of resources have amplified the challenges. 

Recent research highlights: 

  • Staff burnout is a concern for 82% of voluntary and community sector project leaders.
  • Emotional exhaustion experienced by 91% of social workers.
  • Mental health is a concern for 52% of nurses.
  • Burnout prevalent in 77% of UK carers.
  • More support with mental health requested by 92% of voluntary and community sector workers.

Benefits of boosting staff resilience.

When staff are supported in developing effective coping strategies, they feel more valued, while also: 

  • Increasing motivation and job satisfaction
  • Improving performance
  • Reducing absenteeism and boosting staff retention 
  • Creating happier and more engaged teams
  • Reducing costs
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Empower your staff to navigate pressure with greater ease and avoid burnout.

Book a Free Introductory Zoom call to explore the training needs of your organisation.

What is a Thriving Giver?

Firstly, a Giver is someone whose very nature is to give or care for others, and it’s wonderful that there are so many Givers in the world. It’s a fantastic trait to have, but many struggle with the Over-Giver Syndrome and ignore their own needs. 


A Thriving Giver balances their own care with the care of others. They also have a comprehensive range of tools to master stress so they can continue giving their best to the world each day.

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Meet Sarah Kuipers, MSc

Welcome!  I am Sarah Kuipers, #1 best-selling author of The Thriving Giver, trainer, and lecturer. 


Having run a successful practice for nearly 20 years, I finally burnt out. That prompted me to complete a Masters researching stress and burnout.


With over a decade of experience training nursing and medical students, doctors and other health and care professionals to cultivate resilience, I welcome the opportunity to help your teams navigate pressure with more ease and reignite their motivation for work and life.




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"Sarah’s gentle, competent and practical approach to life has enabled me to redress a lifetime of emotional stress and exhaustion. If it sounds too good to be true, try it yourself, you’ve got nothing to lose. But what you stand to gain is immeasurable.”
Penny Mostyn, MDKings College Hospital, London
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"Sarah is a gifted workshop leader, operating with patience, insight, humour, clarity and love."
Andrea Rogers
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"After trying for a long time to look after myself better after illness, Sarah managed to synthesise what I needed to do…[and]… has enabled me to make the transition back to work and to avoid problems in the future. If we can’t look after ourselves, how can we expect patients to look after themselves?"