Self-Assessment Questionnaires

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Burnout Test

Since the onset of burnout tends to be insidious, it’s helpful to recognise the early warning signs so that you can take action before it’s too late. You can use this simple test, and explore how many symptoms of burnout you are experiencing right now. 

Professional Quality of Life

If you work in health or social care, or another helping profession, and are concerned about how your work is affecting your wellbeing, I encourage you to complete the Professional Quality of Life (PROQOL) self-assessment. 


The 30 questions in this validated questionnaire will measure your compassion satisfaction and the two components of compassion fatigue: burnout and secondary trauma. 


Your scores will also help indicate if you might benefit from seeking professional help.

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Skovholt Practitioner Professional Resiliency and Self-Care Inventory

This Inventory will help you assess, and then reflect on, your personal and professional resiliency as well as levels of personal and professional self-care. It will also help direct you towards the areas of your life that need most attention.


This Inventory was developed by Thomas Skovholt, PhD, co-author the book The Resilient Practitioner.

The Thriving Giver

Learn more about the 7 principles

Download The Burnout Test

Download Professional Quality of Life

Download Self-Care Inventory